The new updated version of Android Market app is available. You can enjoy some improvements of course along with bug fixes. Some users are reporting a +0.0.2 update to the Android Market. So far we don’t know if anything big has changed. The tiny version increment suggest bug fixes only, but you never know…
If you want to download Android Market 3.1.5 App, you can download the Android Market 3.1.5 APK from the mirror link that available on MediaFire. The news of the updated Market comes from smartphone hacking community XDA-Developer Forums where user Rydah805 uploaded the just released Android Market 3.1.5 APK.
If you want to know how to install this app to your device, here's step by step tutorial you must follow:
1. Download Market 3.1.5 APK from MediaFire to your computer.
2. Connect your Android smartphone with your computer via USB cable and transfer the APK you downloaded in Step 1 to the root (i.e. parent folder) of your phone’s storage. Disconnect phone after transfer is complete.
3. Use a file manager like ASTRO Manager [Market Link] on your phone to navigate to the location where you transferred the APK file to in Step 2.
4. Tap on the APK file and install it by following on-screen instructions.
NOTE: To install the app, the requirement at least you use Froyo Android 2.2 or higher.
Alternatively, you may just download the APK straight to your phone and install from there. Have you ever try this new minor update?
If yes, please share your experience below to us and give us your opinion and other things.
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