Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Google Translate 2.3 APK

Like other automatic translation tools, it has limitations. While it can help the reader to understand the general content of a foreign language text, it does not always deliver accurate translations. Some languages produce better results than others. As of 2010, French to English translation is very good; however, rule-based machine translations perform better if the text to be translated is shorter; this effect is particularly evident in Chinese to English translations.
Grab Google Translate 2.3 APK to your Android device and start to translate the foreign language.
With this app, you can get these features below:
1. Translate text between 63 languages
2. Translate by speaking the text instead of typing it (17 languages)
3. Listen to your translations spoken aloud (24 languages)
4. Communicate with another person using speech-to-speech translation in Conversation Mode (ALPHA, 14 languages)
5. Display translations in full screen mode to make it easier for others nearby to read
6. Star your favorite translations for quick access even when you’re offline
7. Access your translation history even when you’re offline
8. Spell out the translation of non-Latin script languages (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, etc..) in Latin characters to read it phonetically (e.g. Pinyin, Romaji)
9. View additional dictionary results for single words or short phrases

Download from multiupload to your device as manual installation required. Get it now.
Download Google Translate 2.3 APK

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